YOU MUST HAVE TdlQ's mod QuickKeyboardInput in order to add to or remove from the filter list! **Mod Options:** * You can choose to either require all of the mods on your filter list, or else you. Essentially a soundboard for PAYDAY 2! To make a request for if you ONLY want to show lobbies that have Carry Stacker Reloaded or Silent Assassin, you can add these filters via the mod's options.Updated search_lobby to the latest version of the code Thanks to Berk Rider on the Steam forums for identifying the bug. Fixed bug that caused guards after the first who are killed not to set off a pager. It's simple but it really changes the game mechanics of stealth, and well, it really makes things easier for every stealthable heist in the game to have this mode Silent assassin Users For those who might not know silent assassin, it's a mode that makes that when you kill non alerted guards, there are no pagers.Quick update : IM OK!Silent Assassin is a mod where you modify the amount of pagersneeded to be answered per heist.I WILL MODIFY IT EVEN MORE!Notepad ++ - ht.It looks like the code has been broken for a while. Current Version: Fixed per player pagers being broken. Home Payday 2 BLT Mods About Modding Mod Manager Documentation Contact Mods Silent Assassin. Browse all chevron_right Browse all chevron_right.

Log in to view your list of favourite games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Home Payday 2 Silent Assassin Silent Assassin at Payday 2 Nexus - Mods and communit